Rejected Photos Report

Rejected Photos report lists data on photos that were sent by enrolment officers but rejected for some reason by IMIS
  1. Parameters for selection for the report:
  2. Input parameters of the report:
  • Date From - start date of the report Mandatory
  • Date To - stop date of the report Mandatory
  1. The title of the report
See Input paramaters
  1. Content of the report
  • Insurance number
  • Rejected date
  1. Example

    Img. 267 Rejected Photos Report Report Criteria

  1. Parameters for selection of rejected photos for the report:

    • Start date – the start date of period, within which rejected photos were sent-obligatory
    • End date - the end date of the period -obligatory
  2. The report contains in the title:

    • Rejected photos
    • Period (Start date, End date) of sending photos
  3. The report contains the list of items with the following structure:

    • Date of sending of the photo
    • The code of the enrolment officer
    • The CHF number associated with the photo

At the bottom of the report the total number of rejected photos in the report is included.