Percentage of Referrals report¶
The report lists all primary health care facilities (the category is Dispensary and Health Centre) in the selected district and for each such health facilities provides the following indicators:
- The number of visits (claims) of the primary health care facility in the selected period.
- The number of out-patient visits that have Visit Type equal to Referral in all other health facilities (irrespective of the district) for insurees with the First Service Point in the respective primary health care facility.
- The number of in-patient stays that have Visit Type equal to Referral in all health facilities-hospitals (irrespective of the district) for insurees with the First Service Point in the respective primary health care facility.
The report can be run by users with the system role Accountant or with a role including an access to Tools/Reports/Percentage of Referrals. (Image 239)
Parameters for selection for the report:
Img. 250 Image 218 - Percentage of Referrals Report Criteria
Input parameters of the report:
- Date From - first claim date to be considered in the report Mandatory
- Date To - last claim date to be considered in the report Mandatory
- Region – if it was entered
- District –if it was entered
- The title of the report
See Input paramaters
- Content of the report
this reports shows claims per health facility
- Number of claims
- number of referal claims out patient
- Number of referal claims in patient
- Example
Img. 251 Image 239 - Preview – Percentage of Referrals Overview Report