Users Administration

L’administration des utilisateurs est limitée aux utilisateurs ayant le rôle système d’Administrateur IMIS ou avec un rôle comprenant un accès à Administration / Utilisateurs.

Enrolment officers and Claim administrators are now considered as a user with specific roles.

Conditions préalables

A user may only be added or edited after the approval of the management of the scheme administration. Deletion of a user normally will occur when a user leaves his/her post within the health insurance scheme and/or the scheme administration. A built in user with the user name Admin and the initial password Admin is created automatically in openIMIS with access to all locations of the register of locations (at any time). The Admin user has an implicit role that includes full access rights to the registers of locations, full access to the register of user profiles and an access to downloading/uploading of the register of locations to/from an external file.

Users List Page

It is the central point for the users administration. By having access to this page, it is possible to add, edit, delete and search users. The page is divided into four panels.

Les règles suivantes s’appliquent à la liste des utilisateurs trouvés en plus de la conformité avec tous les critères de recherche:

  1. The user Admin is not included in any search for users with exception of searches done by an Admin user itself.
  2. A user having the access right Users/Search (see User Profiles) will only be able to see users that have access to them same set of locations or to a subset of locations of the user making the search only.

Search Panel

The search panel allows a user to filter on specific criteria.

Last Name
Filter on users who have the typed text in their last name.
Login Name
Filter on users who have the typed text in their login.
Phone Number
Filter on users who have the typed text in their phone number.
Filter on users who have the typed text in their email.
Other Names
Filter on users who have the typed text in their other names.
Filter users with the selected role
Health Facilities

Select the Health Facility; from the list of health facilities by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector, to select users from a specific health facility.


The list will only contain the health facilities belonging to the districts assigned to the currently logged in user.


Select the Region from the list of regions by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to find users with access to a specific region.


The list will only contain the health facilities belonging to the regions assigned to the currently logged in user.


Select the District from the list of districts by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to find users with access to a specific district.


The list will only contain the health facilities belonging to the districts assigned to the currently logged in user.

Select the Language from the list of languages by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector, to select users with a specific language.
Search Button
Une fois les critères saisis, utilisez le bouton de recherche pour filtrer les enregistrements, les résultats apparaîtront dans le panneau de résultats.

Results Panel


Img. 89 Selected record (blue), hovered records (yellow) - Results Panel

The result panel displays a list of all users found, matching the selected criteria in the search panel. The currently selected record is highlighted with light blue, while hovering over records changes the highlight to yellow (Img. 89). The leftmost record contains a hyperlink which if clicked, redirects the user to the actual record for detailed viewing if it is a historical record or editing if it is the current record.

A maximum of 15 records are displayed at one time, further records can be viewed by navigating through the pages using the page selector at the bottom of the result Panel (Img. 90)


Img. 90 Page selector- Results Panel

Buttons Panel

With exception of the Cancel button, which redirects to the Home Page, the button panel (the buttons Edit and Delete) is used in conjunction with the current selected record (highlighted with blue). The user should first select a record by clicking on any position of the record except the leftmost hyperlink, and then click on the button.

Information Panel

Le Panneau d’Information est utilisé pour afficher des messages à l’utilisateur. Les Messages se fera une fois qu’un utilisateur a été ajouté, mis à jour ou supprimés, ou si il y a une erreur à tout moment pendant le déroulement de ces actions.

Page utilisateur


Img. 91 Page utilisateur


Generic Fields

User name
Entrez le nom de Connexion de l’utilisateur. C’est un alias utilisé pour la connexion à la prestation, un minimum de 6 et un maximum de 25 caractères doit être utilisé pour la connexion. Chaque Nom de Connexion doit être unique. Obligatoire.
Given Names
Entrez d’autres noms de l’utilisateur. Obligatoire, 100 caractères maximum.
Last name
Entrez le nom de famille (nom de famille) de l’utilisateur. Obligatoire, 100 caractères maximum.
Saisissez l’adresse e-mail de l’utilisateur. 50 caractères maximum.
Phone Number
Saisissez le numéro de téléphone de l’utilisateur. 50 caractères maximum.
Health Facility
Select the health facility that the user belongs to, if applicable, from the list of health Facilities from the list by clicking on the arrow on the right hand side of the lookup.
Select from the list of available roles the Roles which the user carries out. Mandatory (at least one role must be selected). The list of roles contains all roles (user profiles) that are not blocked.
Select from the list of available districts the district(s) which the user will have access to. Mandatory (at least one district must be selected).

Login Fields

Sélectionnez la langue préférée de l’utilisateur dans la liste en cliquant sur la flèche à droite de la recherche. Obligatoire.
Entrez le mot de passe pour l’utilisateur. Il est utilisé lors de la connexion d’accorder l’accès à l’application; un minimum de 8 et un maximum de 25 caractères doit être utilisé pour le mot de passe. Le mot de passe doit comporter au moins un chiffre. Obligatoire.
Confirm Password
Entrez à nouveau le mot de passe. Le mot de passe doit être entré deux fois pour garantir qu’il n’y a pas eu de faute de frappe lors de la première entrée. Obligatoire.

Enrolment Officer Fields

Birth date
Birth date of the enrolment officer.
Works to
End date at which the enrolment officer is replaced by the substitution officer.
Substitution Officer
Replacement of the user after the Works to date.
Address of the living place of the enrolment officer.
Region & District
Select the region & district where the enrolment officer will work. It will be used to select villages managed by the enrolment officer.

List of all villages where enrolment officer will work. To add villages, you first need to add a row and select the municipality.


Img. 92 Enrolment Officer - Manage villages

Claim Administrator Fields

Birth date
Birth date of the enrolment officer.


Once all mandatory data is entered, clicking on the Save button will save the record. The user will be redirected back to the User List Page, with the newly saved record displayed and selected in the result panel. A message confirming that the user has been saved will appear on the Information Panel.

Mandatory fields

If mandatory fields are not filled when the user clicks on the Save button, a message will appear in the Information Panel, and the data fields will take the focus (by an asterisk on the right of the corresponding data field).


By clicking on the Cancel button, the user will be redirected to the Users List Page.

Ajout d’un utilisateur

Click on the Add button to redirect to the User Page.

Lorsque la page s’ouvre, tous les champs de saisie sont vides. Voir la Page utilisateur pour des informations sur la saisie des données et les champs obligatoires.

Modification d’un utilisateur

Click on the Edit button to redirect to the User Page

La page s’ouvrira avec les informations actuelles chargées dans les champs de saisie de données. Voir la Page utilisateur pour plus d’informations sur la saisie des données et les champs obligatoires

Supprimer un utilisateur

Cliquez sur le bouton Supprimer pour supprimer l’enregistrement actuellement sélectionné

Before deleting a confirmation popup is displayed, this requires the user to confirm if the action should really be carried out.